Telegram is a newer version of what it is named after, an instant messaging service to send your messages to and fro. If you are looking for the cloud-based service then, this is a good service which works at several platforms. But if you want to delete Telegram account, you need to follow a process.

In this article, we discuss the method to deactivate your Telegram account. Despite being a great app which lets you communicate without sharing your phone number, the app has its constraints. If you have a security concern, due to stolen data debacle and want to move to another IM app,  let’s know how to delete your Telegram account.

What Happens When I Delete My Telegram Account?

You will lose all of the data on the Telegram account after it deleted. Therefore we would suggest you take a look at the points below:

  • Contacts will be lost.
  • All messages get deleted.
  • You will be removed from all the groups.
  • Groups you created will be deleted as well.
  • All your bots on the app will be removed.
  • You can’t reverse the process.

How Can I Delete My Telegram Account Permanently?

Once you are done with the complete process of deleting Telegram account, move further to uninstall the app from your device. This process will delete all of your data from the servers.

All the information related to your account is deleted from Telegram. They believe in saving space, and therefore, they start with removing all the media files, contacts, and other data saved on the account. The self-destruction feature works if the app has not been active for more than 6 months.

Let’s start with the process to delete the Telegram account manually. Follow the steps below :

Step 1: Open a web browser, and go to the link below.

Step 2: Enter your phone number to move further to deactivate Telegram account. Click on Next.

Step 3: Add the confirmation code which is generated after you entered the phone number. Click on Sign-in button.

 Step 4: The details of what happens if you delete your Telegram account show. You must read them carefully before proceeding.

Type in the reason for leaving as they keep it for their reviews of the service.

Step 5: A message pop-ups to ask for your confirmation. Click on Yes, delete my account.

The account is deactivated now. Wait for 14 days, and your Telegram account will be deleted.

Note: You must not log in to your account for the next 14 days.

 Wrapping up:

 With the method to delete the Telegram account, you will be able to remove all the data from your account. Although the self-destructing feature helps those, who have not used the app in a long time.

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