Telegram channels are really great for users to reach people beyond their immediate contact. The feature allows other Telegram users to subscribe to your channel such that you can send in messages, videos, images, etc. to your subscribers. In this post, we’re showing you how to create a Telegram channel and why you should probably create one.

A Telegram channel can be about anything—business, art, food, photography, beauty, fashion, books, movies, programming, music, e.t.c. The theme of a channel is usually left to the discretion of the creator. And members subscribe to channels with themes/topics that they are interested in.

There’s often a misinterpretation of Telegram channels as groups, but they aren’t. The best way to describe channels on Telegram is a broadcast list. You can have an unlimited number of subscribers to your channel but groups have a maximum limit of 200,000. So, they’re very different.

At the end of this post, you’d have mastered how to create a Telegram channel and set it to serve your purpose.

READ MORE: How to Prevent People From Adding You to Telegram Groups.

How to Create a Channel

  • Open your Telegram app and tap on the pencil icon located at the top right corner of the device.

  • Select New Channel

  • Tap on the Create Channel button that shows upInsert a Channel Name and an optional description for your channelSet the channel to either Public or PrivatePublic channels can be seen, searched for, and joined by anyone on Telegram while Private channels can only be seen by people you share with

  • If you choose a Public channel, you can set a custom link (e.g. If Private, Telegram will create a shareable invite link.Tap Next and share your channel link with your contacts or add them directly to your channel.

READ MORE: How to Move Your WhatsApp Chat History to Telegram (Android and iOS).

Do You Need a Telegram Channel?

Maybe you’ve been wondering if you actually need a Telegram channel. Well, we’ve compiled a couple of reasons for creating a Telegram channel. You should look through and see if it fits.

You need a Telegram channel if:

  • You want to share stuff/content around a particular field e.g arts, photography, news with an unlimited number of people (subscribers).You want to be in total control of the space. Channels let you send solo messages, remove subscribers, and so on. You can also deal with subscribers’ needs on a one-to-one basis.You have a business or brand and want to send deals, offers, and other forms of content to potential or existing customers.

If you fall in any of the above categories, you probably need to create a Telegram channel. Let us know in the comments section if you need any help or have questions.