Every information copied or cut from Excel cells in an Excel spreadsheet is temporarily stored in the Excel Clipboard. Though it isn’t visible on the sheet on-screen, the information regarding your copy and cut commands is stored there until you decide to paste that content on some other cell on that spreadsheet. Excel tends to store the information for more than one such command in the sheet. This number can possibly extend to twenty-four items in one Clipboard list.

Why Empty Clipboard in Excel?

Once your Clipboard items fill that list, Excel may show an error saying “Clipboard is Full”. In order to prevent this, you are required to clear the Clipboard in Excel. You can easily do it from the MS Excel spreadsheet itself. Here is a small guideline comprising few simple steps that can clear the Clipboard in excel:

Steps to Clear the Clipboard in Excel

Step 1: Open Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet.

Step 2: Go to Home tab, you’ll be able to see the gate towards Clipboard Task Pane. Click on it.

Step 3: To delete the Clipboard Items one by one. Right-click on an individual Clipboard item and click on Delete.

Step 4: You can also delete all the Clipboards in excel in one go as well. To do so, click on the Clear All option on the top of the list.

Though there is a need to clear this clipboard list, it’s also important to know how Clipboard is useful in Excel.

How Useful is Clipboard in Excel?

Excel Clipboard can be useful in accessing content directly which you’ve copied from a cell. Let’s see how:

  • Copying and Pasting Formulas:

When we talk about excel, we know how important those formulas are. Depending on the complexity of calculations, you may need to copy a combination of formulas in different cells. If you give a copy command to those important formulas, they’ll be copied to Clipboard. Then, you can always paste them from the Clipboard whenever they’re required in a calculation.

  • Copying URLs

So, imagine you need to make a list of URLs in an excel spreadsheet. What you can do is, copy each of those URLs from the web (twenty-four at max), without pasting them anywhere. All those commands would then be copied on Excel Clipboard. Once all are copied, you can paste them all directly on the spreadsheet from the Clipboard.

The best part is that you do not need to click on any spreadsheet cell. Just keep copying them, and they’ll be copied to Clipboard altogether.

  • Copying Text

Your spreadsheet may have cells, where you’re required to put the same text. Give that text a copy (Ctrl+C) command and keep it on the Clipboard for further use.

Clipboard in excel is though useful, it is needed to be cleared in order to prevent any error while you’re creating or editing spreadsheets. These small steps can help you do that in no time. The data on Clipboard is stored directly on your RAM, and this is the reason that a filled-up Clipboard causes an error. However, once you’ve restarted your PC, all the data on the excel Clipboard will be removed. This means that data on Clipboard is temporary and remains for one particular session of your system only.

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