Our good old paperback books have been replaced by their digitalized versions that are PDFs, eBooks, EPUBs and Kindle books. A significant shift has been observed,  people across the globe have been opting for eBooks instead of actual books. One of the reasons could be eBooks being easier to store, are cost-effective, and don’t add to your baggage while on the go. These files are either stored on the cloud or on your phone or laptop as a small file. With that change, most browsers have now released updates that enables the users to read any eBook format on the browser itself, without the need of installing dedicated software for them.

Keeping this in mind, it becomes important to know how to change the fonts of a web browser especially the most popular one among all i.e. Google Chrome. A change in the font will ensure that we are able to enjoy our read along with, making it soothing and pleasant for eyes as well Reading short content while surfing or shopping on an E-Commerce website is different from gazing into the screen to read your favorite book. Therefore, you need to customize font as per your preferences.

Steps to Change Google Chrome’s Default Font.

Google apps are very simple to use and any changes within the app do not require much effort. To access the fonts section in Google Chrome, follow these steps:

Step 1. Open Chrome Browser. Click on three dots on the top right corner.

Step 2. From the menu list, choose Settings. A new tab will open in your browser.

Step 3. In the Settings tab, locate and select Appearance from the list of options on the left side.

Step 4.  From the new option available in the center of the tab, click Customize Fonts.

Step 5. Here you can customize the Font Size and the Font Type.

Alternatively, you can type chrome://settings/fonts in the address bar of a new tab in your Google Chrome browser.

Font Size.

There are two options available while altering the size of the Font.

Font Size. This option will set the page font of Chrome, and all websites that display on Chrome. It can go as low as 9px and as high as 72px

Minimum Font Size. This is generally set as zero px by default. Setting this to value means that the font will not go below the set pixels.

Font Type.

There are four options where you can alter the font type.

  • Standard: This option determines the primary style of the font in which the content of a web site will be presented on your browser. The default font set on a Windows computer is Times New Roman.
  • Serif: A serif is a font style where a stroke or a small line is added to an alphabet to enhance it. This typography style is generally found in Font types such as Courier, Times Roman (Default) and Palatino.
  • Sans-serif: Translated from French, ‘Sans’ means ‘without’. The font types without Serif or strokes are included in San-Serif. The most popular among them is Arial (default), and there are others like Helvetica and Geneva. This font style conveys minimalism and simplicity.
  • Fixed width: Some websites have fonts in which the alphabets are placed close together. If you have trouble reading any such websites, you can change the space between the characters in the text with this option. The default Font typeset on Windows 10 is Consolas.

Which Fonts Can You Replace Google Chrome Default Font With?

There are many font options available to choose from:

Font Arial.

One of the most popularly used fonts is Arial. Until 2007 it was used as a default font in Microsoft Office applications. It was designed almost identical to Helvetica which was a licensed font.

Font Baskerville

Baskerville offers symmetrical and elegant characters that provide a calming effect. It is one of the oldest known styles and the text is rounded in shape.

Font Calibri.

Font Calibri is currently, the default font in Microsoft’s Word, Excel, and PowerPoint applications. Designed by De Groot in 2002, it offers warm and soft characters specially designed for LCD monitors.

Font Bodoni

Originally used in Posters and Newsletters, Bodoni is an elegant font that can be difficult to read in smaller sizes. The default size set is 9px or higher.

Is It Necessary To Change Google Chrome Default Font?

Changing the Google Chrome default font is not only important for readers who prefer eBooks, but also for people who surf the internet daily for personal or professional work, and most importantly for those who face visual issues. All browsers use default settings to optimize a website in such a way that more information is displayed on the page, which is a part of Marketing. This can lead to the reduction of spaces between the words and minimizing the fonts to an extent, where it creates a strain on our eyes.

However, with knowledge on how to deal with this uprising issue, we can now change the Google Chrome default font, and replace it with a font of our liking and adjust the size as well. Do try out the various options and share your experience with your browsing experience after altering the default fonts in the comments section. Also, If you are keen to get more updates about such issues which are not that big but important nonetheless, you can always subscribe to our blogs and receive the latest tech news and issue resolutions.

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