Google is well aware of the fact that you own several devices such as a smartphone, tablet and laptop all of which sync with one or more Google accounts. This could potentially pose a security as intruders can take advantage of your mult-device settup.

Now Google has added a new security dashboard under “Devices and Activity” where you can keep track of whatever device has access to your account.  As you can tell from the screenshot, I access my account from several devices running various Operating Systems. The new security dash board helps me deny access to whatever device am nolonger using, is lost or stolen.

The dashboard also works with the Android Device Manager which helps you track lost devices although I found it completely worthless when I lost a couple of devices. You can also change your password in case of suspicious behaviour from the dashboard. Well, it’s not a feature you’ll use everyday, but it might help you troubleshoot some malicious behaviour on your account sometime.

If you have anything in your home that needs to be kept protected, a safe is the perfect solution. However, if this is the first time that you are buying a safe, you must probably be very confused. If you are looking for safes, you have come to the perfect place. If you follow this guide, you will end up buying the perfect safe for your needs at the perfect price. Let’s look at “The Guide to Getting the Perfect Safe for Your Home.”