Just a decade ago, who would have thought of smartphones and virtual assistants? Over the years, the regular pocket-sized cellphones have morphed into glass paneled smartphones. With the power of AI, the smartphone has grown from a mere mode of communication to be one of the most advanced and most used gadgets of time.

Smartphone manufacturers keep adding new and amazing features to keep themselves ahead of others. What was just a platform to click pictures in the past have evolved as a major criterion for users to choose amongst the innumerable options available today while deciding which phone to buy?

The current scenario is, smartphone cameras come power packed with features like shutter speed, ISO, Panorama, Slow Motion, picture mode, location details etc. With the use of GPS, cameras a now capable of detecting even the location at which the picture was clicked from your smartphone.

While it is common to have an idea about the location where we click pictures, in the long run, we tend to forget them, and it gets hard to recall them. But hey why rely on our memories, why not your nifty smartphone does the job for us. Setting up your highly advanced smartphone’s camera to detect and save the location of the picture is not a tedious task.

We in this article have tried our best to educate users about the same. This, however, needs the “Location Tag” and “GPS” be enabled beforehand. Users also have to give permission for the camera app to access the location services/GPS.

How To Enable Location Tag For The Pictures:

For Android:

If you have an Android device and you wish to enable the location tag for the photographs you click from your phone, follow the steps below:

  • Open the camera app on your Android phone.
  • Click on the three horizontal lines on the top left corner to open the Settings of the camera app.
  • From the Settings window toggle on the option that says Save location or Location tag.


For iOS Device:

If you have an iOS device and you wish to enable the location tag for the photographs you click from your phone, follow the steps below:

  • Navigate to the Settings of your iPhone.
  • From the Settings window, scroll down to locate Privacy and tap on it.
  • From the Privacy option, toggle on the option that says Location services.
  • In the same window, look for Camera and then click on the option that says, “While Using the App”.

Now that you have turned on the Location services on your Android and iOS devices, every time you click a picture with them, the location will be tracked and be saved.

To know the location where a picture was clicked follow the steps below:

On Android Device:

  • Open the default Gallery on your Android device and then from the camera roll, open the picture you want to see the location for.
  • Post opening the picture, click on the three horizontal dots present on the top right corner of the photograph.
  • The drop-down menu has one option named Info, click on it. The Info/details options present the user with different information such as its size, location of the image, time, ISO etc.

On iOS Device:

  • Launch Photos app on your iOS device. Post this click on Albums tab from the bottom of the screen.
  • From Albums, look for the option that says Places.
  • This will present to you’re the map and the photos clicked when the location services are enabled.
  • Tap on any picture to see the exact coordinates and the location it was clicked.

So, guys, with the simple steps it is easy to enable the Location services/location tag on your Android or iOS device and easily tracks the location of any picture clicked using your smartphone.

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